Well, we are continuing to think about our "bucket list" and hope to have a few of those posted soon. But, in the meantime, one of the things on my list is to learn a foreign language. So, beginning last night Jennifer and old Dad started a Central Texas College course in Conversational Spanish. It is being taught by Sr. Flowers who was at one time Jordan's Spanish teacher in high school. I was a little surprised, until I thought about it for a while, that there were so many wanting to take the class that they ran out of room and now have a waiting list of those that want to take it later. Spanish is an important part of Texas culture. You will find Spanish written on labels, in the grocery stores and everywhere else these days. I took Spanish in high school (a long, long time ago) and have always liked it. I have no aspirations of becoming fluent in it, but just want to be able to carry on a conversation, a slow one at that, if needed. Also, as the total makeup of the population, especially Texas, moves toward a Hispanic majority, it may become more important to at least be able to speak Spanish. It gives you an advantage in the workplace as well to be bi-lingual. Jordan works with a number of Hispanic employees and I am sure he is learning some "colorful" words in Spanish, too! In the meantime, Beverly is having to endure all my conversational practice around the house. Who knows, she may learn a few phrases, too. But for now, Hasta pronto! El placer is mio.