Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Lawn Ranger and His Field of Dreams

It seems to me that all I have done this summer is mow! With the recent rains, which we are very thankful for, the grass has really been growing. Not only do I take care of our yard, but I also have a lot of mowing and shredding to do at the orchard. Also, last year, the local Park Board needed someone with some knowledge of athletic fields to help them establish four new fields at the new park. Someone probably said, "Get Danny. He's retired and he knows about growing grass." So, I have been the official Forest Gump of the park for the past couple of years. I'm on a mower so much that when my children send birthday or Father's Day cards, the cards all have something to do with mowing. Jordan sent me a card about the Lawn Ranger, and that is about the truth.
The fields, 2 baseball fields, 1 softball field and 1 football/soccer field are all seeded in a hybrid bermudagrass called Princess 77. It has really grown well and we are in our second year of play on them. We are lucky to have this facility in our community.

The Lawn Ranger and his horse John Deere!

A view of some of the fields. In the background are two old bridges that once crossed the Leon River and are being "recycled" at the park and will become a part of the walking-biking trail.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What A Difference A Day Makes

Like many of you, we have been suffering through the summer with hot temperatures and no rain. But, thanks to God and Edouard, all of that changed yesterday. God does answer prayers, sometimes in a big way. During the night on August 6, sometime around 2:00 a.m. the rain started and when it was all finished we had received almost 6 inches here at the house. It was a lot of rain, but even more came at the orchard. We got around 9 inches there! There was an advertisement in this weeks Hamilton paper that simply said "Pray For Rain" and it worked. We are very thankful for this blessing. We hope that if you were not in the rain path this time, that you will receive what you need soon.

This isn't a very good picture, but the water was almost over the bridge on the little creek behind our house.

By the end of the day, the water was down, but flowing swiftly.

The Leon River overflow was up over this 5 wire fence.

The Leon River crested yesterday. Muddy, but still beautiful!

This reminded me of Colorado, but it is a little low water crossing near the house.

Today, everything looks peaceful and quiet.