Monday, September 7, 2015

The Long, Hard Fence

We've had in our plans to build a privacy fence along the north side of our property for years.  We've been lucky for the most part over the years with neighbors, but the last couple of ones "encouraged" us to build a fence to block the view from the north!  We had earlier built a partial one but it just didn't hold up so we next priced a new one but it was a little out of our price range.

So, this summer we decided to tackle the job ourselves.  The hardest part was just getting started. We wanted to use 4X4 steel posts and 2X4 metal rails this time because no matter how straight you get the treated lumber, it is going to curve and bend over time.  I had most of the post holes dug when Jordan was here for Father's day, so he helped me get the last few finished giving me the incentive I needed to get going!

Beverly and I cut and set the new posts in concrete and Landon Bullard came and welded the rails for us. We first wanted a level fence from front to back but had to change plans because of the severe drop in elevation.  We opted for a series of  four step downs to make it workable. Next, we had to prime and paint all of the metal.

In the mornings, we would sit at a tarp-covered picnic table and stain and seal all of the fence pickets before putting them on the rails.  It took both of us working together to hold, mark and screw all the self tapping screws into the rails.  There were days when we started early and quit early but most days we would work until noon or one o'clock.  Working off and on for about a month, we finished it on July 30. It was a hot job and if I were to do it again, I would definitely do it in the winter.

Now we want to finish it off by laying rock underneath the parts of the fence that is off the ground, plant some new grass and small plants in front of it and we will be happy campers, or at least happy fence builders!

 Presley checking out the lumber options at Home Depot!

 Because of trees, roots and other obstructions, we set the new fence
further in on our property to make the operation go easier.  The old 
fence was torn down and the pickets stained and used on the new one.

 My knees suffered from the constant getting up and down!

 First sections of the nine section fence completed!

 We had to step down the fence in sections as we worked towards the back,
otherwise it would have been four to five feet off the ground at the back!

The old man taking a break.  It was too hot for working some days, especially
behind a privacy fence that blocks all the breeze.  Bev said this is my Robert Duvall look!

Remington's Blessing Before The Church

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to "train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."  It is our prayer that all parents, but especially our own children, listen to this encouraging admonition.  When we make a concerted effort to set good examples for our children, lead by example and expect the best from them, chances are far better that we will get the outcome that God expects.

The Southern  Hills church of Christ in Abilene periodically will start their morning services with a dedication or a blessing of young children born during the time since the last blessing.  Jordan and Ashley brought Remington before their church August 2 to ask the church family to pray for him and pledge their support as they bring him up in the Lord.

We enjoyed lunch with Ashley's parents afterwards and were entertained by Leighton.  She insisted that we all dress up in some of her play clothes complete with princess crown and flowers in our hair.  She is a funny little girl.  I think we sat at the table a good part of the afternoon just visiting.

Remington Tate Phillips' church blessing, August 2, 2015

Leighton using pantyhose to suddenly become Repunzel!

We were quite a collection of rabbits, princesses and clowns!

Donald and Glenna, love that red hair!  Anything for a grandchild!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Summer 2015 Ramblings

The summer of 2015 is about to come to an end!  The temperature evidently doesn't know it yet as the thermometer still is near that century mark.  But, there is hope on the horizon.  September is now here and it will soon be fall and winter.  Winter has it's drawbacks, but I'm getting tired of hot and especially dry summers.

Plenty of things have happened around the Phillips place this summer and this is just a sampling of some of the action.  The end of school brought about a flurry of activities, even for grandparents!  Taylor completed his GT project on architecture with his partner Caleb with a little advice from his Uncle Jeremy and Toby!

Every year the 5th grades do a project on the Titanic.  Taylor built a model portraying the building of the ship.   In the process he was required to use about 12 different components.  He found a model of the ship which served as the centerpiece of the project.  He won the Most Educational Award this year.  Presley completed 1st grade and on the last day of school they received a cute little memory book of the year.  I think we were all glad to see school end and summer begin.

The dock where the Titanic was built.  Taylor used everything
from Leggos, to wire nuts, golf tees, to cotton balls to complete the project.

Taylor's GT project, illustrating the Glass House of architect Philip Johnson.

Presley and her 1st grade Memory Book.

This spring and early summer we were blessed with great rainfall, so much that the drought was officially broken.  The local creeks and rivers overflowed with water, the grass in the lawn made a come back and we as my Daddy would say, we're living in high cotton.  I don't think there was a stalk of cotton actually planted in Hamilton County this year but you know what I mean.

 Beverly's latest plant;  a vitex in bloom in it's first year.

The first zinnias beginning to bloom!

It was quite a year for the zinnias.  We tried a few new varieties this year.

 Roll on mighty Mississippi, well, maybe that's the Leon!

Presley standing on the river bridge with flood waters in the background!

The end of May also marked a milestone for our youngest.  Jordan Tyler turned thirty this year so we went to Abilene to help him celebrate.  It is hard to believe that our youngest is already 30!  It was just a few months back that he was 18 and playing football.  Whoa now, life slow down!!

 The old man!  He actually looked a little tired in this shot.  He will tell you that
the landscaping career can be stressful and crazy in May!

 Bebe with the little man Remington.

Our Leighton is growing up, too!  Hard to imagine her being in school next year

Beverly got to spend the day with her best friend from high school this spring.  She and Glyneth had a fun day together, visiting and catching up on all the news.

They even took a selfie shot!  Well, sort of!

Along with the rain we also had a little storm come through town that really messed up a lot of trees.  We were coming back from Waco one afternoon and the closer we got to Hamilton, the stormier it looked.  With Beverly driving, we just made it into the front drive when it hit.  When it was over, the yard was littered with limbs that took us two full days to clean up and haul away!

 The County Courthouse pecan trees had a little damage as well.

A neighbor's tree, after a little trimming.  It reminded us of a 
giant walking stick creeping out of the woods!

Her favorite author, Jan Brett! 

Presley' new summer hairdo!

Miss Looking Grownup!

Beverly and Presley did a little shopping at the Magnolia House sale in Waco.  She found a few bargains, or at least she told Danny they were bargains.  It was hot and too many people show up since the owners are now TV celebrities! 

Bev's arrangement in her new Magnolia House containers.
She said she needed them for Father's Day so what could I say?

Father's Day was celebrated with Jennifer's family and Jordan's family here.  We did a little work on some trees around the house, since we had Jordan home and dug a few post holes for the new privacy fence.  Afterwards we went fishing and celebrated by having a little fish fry that was delicious.

 I think Jordan enjoyed the fishing more than Leighton.  She wasn't to keen
on the dock and the weeds!

Before Leighton went home, we had to have a "campfire" on the front porch
where we "roasted" marshmallows!  She insisted on it!

July 4th was spent at Jennifer and Toby's house.  Presley made a patriotic red, white and blue cake and Toby made homemade ice cream.  Later, Taylor and Presley entertained us with their version of a fireworks show!

Beverly's birthday was in July so we went to eat at Central Perk.  Later, Taylor and Presley helped her celebrate with cupcakes.  She received some beautiful flowers from her friend Glyneth and Danny.  She got a beautiful pair of James Avery earrings from Jordan and a Fitbit from Jennifer.

 Beautiful flowers from Glyneth.

 Beverly was so proud of her "special" gifts from Presley.
Note the wrapping paper.

Here are a few other random pictures from the Summer of 2015.

 Yummy!  Summer squash!

 New summer flowers for Nana and Grandad's graves.

 Little Remington likes strawberries, but......
they don't seem to like him!

 Jennifer's rattlesnake that she found on her back porch early one morning!
Thanks to Sister, their dog!  The snake bit the dog but she's fine now.

 It's been a good year for the ferns.

Sleep over.  She's an angel right now.

Blue daze, one of Beverly's favorites.

Well, as Porky Pig would say, "That's all folks!"