Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birthday To Jordan Tyler

Twenty four years ago today at 2:01 p.m. our Jordan Tyler was born. There have been times since when we've both looked at each other and marveled at God's sense of humor! God gave us you last because if you had been first, you probably would have been the last! Just a little humor, Jordan. You were a fun one to raise, active, always on the go, a blond, curly headed whirlwind of energy.

Now, 24 years later, you are all grown up and still a bundle of energy. You have given us a lot of good memories; football (remember the Dublin game?), stock shows (that second place at San Antonio, so close to the first you wanted),hunting and fishing (your first buck with Toby and Paul), wilderness trek (a 14,000 foot Rocky Mountain high adventure) and so many more. Now, you are making memories of your own; work (getting your irrigation and pesticide licenses), your first home (putting in your irrigation system, patio and landscape), Big Brothers (helping your "little" make his own memories) and looking forward to children of your own.

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is memorable.

We love you,
Mom and Dad