Tuesday, March 24, 2009

To My Sis, With Love

Have you ever known someone that just makes you feel good when you're around them? I'm lucky enough to have one as a sister and today is her birthday! My older sister Dayle Anita is just one of those rare individuals that lifts you above your troubles and makes want to laugh. One of her most endearing traits is her laugh; contagious, hearty and soulful. I could pick her out of a room blindfolded just by hearing her laugh!

One of the peculiarities of the Phillips family that I have noticed is that many of us are known by both our first and middle names. For instance, if anyone calls me Danny Fred, I instantly know that they are family or a very close friend. So it is with Dayle Anita, pronounced "Dell Neeta" in Phillips jargon. Named after my daddy, she is a natural beauty, not only from the outside but inside as well. No pretense, no put on; what you see is what you get, and she has a lot to give.

Sis is the wife of a hard working, successful farmer, now retired, not because he doesn't still love the land and the challenge of farming, but from too many years of literally back breaking work. She is the mother of five successful children: all boys!! Maybe that's where her sense of humor comes from because I suspect you might could use it with five boys.

My sister was the last one of us to be born at home. Mama said it rained all day the day she was born and Daddy had to go get the doctor and he barely made it to our house on those muddy Knox County dirt roads. He stayed the night and I'm glad he did or he would have missed the birth of an angel.

She has had her share of crosses to bear but you would never know it. I suspect she feels she is one of the most blessed people in the world but I think we who love her are the ones who are blessed. I hope you have had a good day, sis. You deserve it. I love you!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Presley Turns One and Becomes Mobile!!

Presley Nicole turned 1 on February 26! It's hard to believe how quickly the last year has passed. We celebrated with a big Princess Party at her house with family and friends last weekend. She had a blast and really enjoyed eating her cake, now that she has four teeth. She had been taking small steps for several weeks but just before her birthday--zoom, zoom, off she went and is fully mobile now! In some ways it is easier with her walking rather than crawling. She loves the outdoors and is Miss Independent, wanting to do everything by herself.

We all are looking forward to the spring and summer when she can enjoy the activities of warm weather. We are so thankful to have a granddaughter. She reminds us of her mother at this age and it's like having a little doll to play with all of the time.

Happy Birthday, Princess Presley!

Yum-Yum! My own cake!!

Uncle Jordan, Aunt Ashley, Mom and Dad with the birthday girl!

One of Presley's new birthday outfits.

Taylor and Presley celebrating early at PawPaw and BeBe's.

Our little sleeping angel!

Too cute!! Tennis, anyone?