Friday, September 11, 2009

Everything I Know I Learned in Kindergarten

A lot has happened since our last post. You'd think so since it was July 16 when the last post was made! I guess our lives are just plain boring compared to some people. But the start of the new school year marked another milestone for us--our first grandchild started kindergarten. It's been a mixture of excitement, apprehension, pride, sadness, but mainly just a reminder that life goes on and everyday brings about changes that make you realize how much you should enjoy today.

Taylor has been in school for three weeks and seems to be enjoying the experience. His favorite times are lunch and recess! Imagine that! It's been a big switch for him getting to go to school with his mother each day. His dad teaches, too, so it's not like he hasn't been around the campus already. But, he is always happy to come home after school to pick up Presley and see his PawPaw and BeBe.

Today was Grandparents Day at school. Taylor has been looking forward to us coming and eating lunch with him. We had told him we would bring him a special lunch so he requested a ham and cheese sandwich (on wheat) from the Hidden Valley store, plain chips and an Orange Crush. So, today lunch was a little different, but he loved it!

Presley has been staying with us during school, although we have other people lined up to keep her while we are gone and for later when the pecan harvest begins and we both need to be working in the orchard. She is changing so much, learning to say a lot of words and likes to feed the cats first thing in the morning! She has also learned to pooch her lip out and frown when things don't go her way. But, she has been so easy to keep, especially with two naps a day. She is just plain sweet and precious and really reminds us of Jennifer when she was this age.

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks.