Like everyone, the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010 have been busy times around this household. Of course,we are behind on blogging for a variety of reasons. I think it's just been too cold and we have been busy just trying to keep warm. Now if we were in Colorado having fun, the cold wouldn't seem so cold!
Our family celebrated Christmas on New Year's day since it was the boys year to be with their in-laws for Christmas. It was a fun day having everyone here. Jordan and Ashley came through Stephenville and picked up Nana and Granddad. Jeremy and Annie came up from Houston and Jennifer, Toby, Taylor and Presley joined us. We had a fun time opening gifts and watching the little ones open theirs. This year we had a trivia game where we played for Sonic gift cards and other prizes. The big laugh of the day was our hula hoop contest! Everyone got a chance to impress the judges but in the end Jordan and Jeremy were the only "stars" that could really do it. I think Jordan threw his back out in the process. There were videos made, but, certain people have had threats made against them if they ever surface! There are other pictures at Jordan and Ashley's blog.
We have a number of birthdays in our family from Late November until Christmas (6 in fact) but we also celebrated our wedding anniversary (34 years!), and Danny's birthday on January 1. So, we not only had Christmas but we also had a party for Danny.
This past week was our County Youth Fair and Danny served as the swine superintendent. Of course, as is common with stock shows, there was an attempt to ignore rules, a transformer went out during the weigh-in causing a blackout in the barn (ever try to drive a pig to the scales in the dark?) and the judge took a long, long time to place the classes. But, we got through it and the show was a big success. Saturday morning, Taylor showed in the PeeWee showmanship contest and was one of the two finalist from his age group. You can see more of Taylor at Jennifer's blog.
Samuel Clay Phillips
8 years ago