Saturday, October 24, 2009

Visit to the Emergency Room

Well, Presley is sicker than we thought! Tonight her fever spiked to 104.5 so Jennifer took her to the emergency room. A flu test looked negative but she had a lot of croup like coughing, congestion and an impending ear infection. Following a breathing treatment, two oral medicines and two injections and then observing her for about 3 hours, they let her go home. The doctor told us that it was good that she came in because a delay might have meant a hospital stay.

Tonight, we are praying that she can sleep better (and Mother, too!) and that she will begin to recover. It is hard to see her so sick and miserable. Taylor spent the time coloring. He was a good big brother while everyone else was tending to little sister.

Friday, October 23, 2009

PawPaw's Girl

As you may know, Presley stays with us most days. She is almost 20 months old and we sure enjoy keeping her. She is growing up fast (not in size particularly) but is talking a lot and we are teaching her enough bad habits to get her into trouble at home! She will eat almost anything and seems to have a particular fondness for green olives, beets, pretzels, BeBe's chocolate and PawPaw's pecans! We have to limit a few of those items.

We brought her a bear backpack from Silverton, Colorado and she likes to carry around her collection of bugs in it! Yes, Presley likes bugs, now. At first, she was so afraid of anything that even looked like a bug, but now she has a collection of plastic spiders, lady bugs and grasshoppers (maybe she got that from her Uncle Jordan!). Presley also likes to dance---fast and furious. We had a little video of her dancing, but for some reason we couldn't get it to upload, so we might add it later. She is the highlight of our days.

She is sick tonight and running fever. We are praying that it isn't the flu. We are all pretty aware of washing hands and staying out of crowds, but there is so much sickness here these days, it will be hard to avoid it completely. When Taylor comes in from school, he has learned to go directly to the bathroom and wash his hands. You can hear him singing through not one, but two choruses of Happy Birthday to be sure he washes them long enough!

Here are a few pictures of PawPaw's girl. She is a PawPaw's girl, but she loves her BeBe, too! But, if you ask her, "Are you PawPaw's girl?, she'll say "Un, huh!" That is hard to take!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Blog Design

Thanks, Ashley, for our new blog design. We like the color and all of the outdoor pictures that she added. Hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's That Nutty Time of the Year!

This last week marked the beginning of the harvest in the pecan orchard for 2009! All of this year's work now boils down to the next few weeks of harvest. We are hoping that the weather will cooperate (is that rain I hear falling outside?) and allow us a chance to gather the crop. I am always amazed how far away harvest seems in April when the trees first get their leaves and how short the year has been in October when it is already time to start the harvest.

We had a late freeze in the trees in mid April, thus making for a less than bumper crop, but some varieties have heavy loads and the quality looks excellent. We harvested the Pawnee last week (about 2 weeks later than normal), sold the majority of them already and have orders for the remaining ones. We will be starting on the Cheyenne and Wichita as soon as the ground dries enough for our equipment.

Kindergarten Learning Celebration

The Ann Whitney Elementary School recently had a Learning Celebration for the kindergarten classes. It was held out on the tennis courts and parents and grandparents got to see what the classes had learned during the first six weeks of school. They performed various skits, sang songs and also did some counting in both English and Spanish.

It was fun to watch and we were thankful to discover that our little man is not the only "jumping bean" in kindergarten. It is hard to believe that the first six weeks has come and gone. The school year always passes quickly, unless of course, you are a teacher!

Taylor and his classmates

Taylor and his proud Mom