Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kindergarten Learning Celebration

The Ann Whitney Elementary School recently had a Learning Celebration for the kindergarten classes. It was held out on the tennis courts and parents and grandparents got to see what the classes had learned during the first six weeks of school. They performed various skits, sang songs and also did some counting in both English and Spanish.

It was fun to watch and we were thankful to discover that our little man is not the only "jumping bean" in kindergarten. It is hard to believe that the first six weeks has come and gone. The school year always passes quickly, unless of course, you are a teacher!

Taylor and his classmates

Taylor and his proud Mom

1 comment:

cheri said...

Isn't he adorable? I must have been with Cari and Tristin when they had their celebration! Aren't these grandkids the greatest? I love your new background on your blog!