Saturday, September 18, 2010

Coming Soon---Grand Baby #4

We are very excited about our latest “grand baby” news! Our number of grand children will soon d-o-u-b-l-e! Our youngest son Jordan and his wife Ashley are expecting a bundle of joy on or about March 21, 2011. Ashley is now about 14 weeks along and is doing great, except for an extended period of morning sickness. We are hoping this will soon subside and she will be feeling better.

Jordan and Ashley sent out invitations to family and close friends recently asking us to come one Sunday afternoon to find out what the “buzz” was all about. Hmm–could it be? Well, yes, we thought, it had to be! But, too many clues were dropped that may have lead certain members of the family to believe that perhaps it was going to be twins! They were both hush-hush but some important pieces of information were “leaked”, such as finding a book in their house on twins and triplets. We were all relieved that it is only one especially since Ashley is so petite.

We all enjoyed the afternoon get together as we shared the good news with them. God is indeed good. About the time Jordan and Ashley find out the sex of their baby, older brother Jeremy and Annie will become parents of granddaughter number 2. Stay tuned for more information on all the exciting happenings!

Pictures from the “buzz” party!


Jennifer said...

It was a fun party! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl!

Glenna said...

Great pictures. It was fun. We are both going to have a houseful. Ha!

cheri said... that's what I call an announcement! Congratulations to all!!!!

ajphillips said...

Only 25 1/2 more weeks!