Friday, June 6, 2014

A Visit To The State Capitol Building

One of the things we have always tried to do with our own children is to take educational trips.  Even on vacations we always managed to get in something that was educational in nature.  So, when we found out that Taylor's 4th grade class was taking an end of the year trip to Austin to see the capitol building and the Bob Bullock Museum, we just had to go along.

Their first stop was at the Bullock Museum where we went to the Imax Theater to see a wonderful film on Texas.  If you know about the Imax experience, you know that it's like you are flying along with the camera as it soars over mountains and sea or whatever else it's filming.  Sitting too close to the screen is not a good idea if you have motion sickness problems.  We both had to admit that there was a couple of times that we had to look away for a second.  But, the film made you feel proud to be from Texas.

During the afternoon, the class toured all of the monuments located on the capitol grounds.  Each student had been assigned a particular one on which to do extensive study.  There are so many to see and if you're from Texas you should go and see them.  A tour of the capitol ended the day and it was impressive to say the least.  If you have not had an opportunity to go there, do yourself a favor and plan a trip to Austin and take in our history through a free tour.

Taylor's assigned monument for his study.

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