Thursday, March 5, 2015

A New Year Begins....Welcome 2015

It seems like only yesterday we were trying to get use to saying the year 2000 and here it is 15 years later!  For our family January has traditionally been the beginning of the stock show season.  We have the Hamilton County Youth Fair followed by the Ft. Worth show and it goes on and on from there.  It's usually the time for garden preparations and planting onions, too.  It's the time to make some new year resolutions and by the end of the month, most of them have been ignored or broken.  Throw in some cold weather and you pretty much have the month covered.

 Channel 5 NBC was filming during his class.  A boy and his steer!

The coveted F brand, meaning you've made the premium sale!

Taylor's 5th place middle weight Polled Hereford at Ft. Worth!
This was his third Hereford so his name was Herf 3.0.  It was a good version.

 Ready for onion planting.  Oh, and we are extending the fence.

 I like this philosophy!

 Another round of ice and sleet.

 Beverly's new coat from Jeremy and Annie.  It has come in handy this winter.

Oh yeah?  

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