Thursday, June 30, 2016

Random Fall 2015 Happenings

The fall of 2015 was filled with a variety of activities and birthdays.  Fall is a busy time for birthdays in our family with Jane, Taylor, Remington and Toby having November birthdays.  We also decided to start a kitchen remodel so we were really busy.  Here are a few pictures from the Fall of 2015.

Taylor and Pawpaw at Grandparents day, 2015

Leighton enjoying her sand box area

Elsa, the new queen of the house.

Leighton was a good bird dog, retrieving doves for Jordan

What a deal.  Sit in your backyard and dove hunt!
This was the start of a long kitchen remodel.  She started it so I had to finish it!

I put this paper up and now I'm taking it down.  Will she ever be satisfied?
It's only been about 15 years since we put it up!

Presley helped do a school poster on veterans.  Bev's dad served
in the U. S. Navy in the South Pacific in WWII.

Bev's Dad, John Hefton (far left) at one of his Navy reunions.

Doug Sliger was as good as they come.  Great man that we called friend.

Our little Sambo.  

For his 12th birthday, Taylor chose chicken fried steak.
The boy can eat a lot of these, let me tell you.

Taylor's trick candles!  Help, I can't blow them out!

Remington's birthday party.  Camping /outdoor theme was too cute!

The two Pawpaws, Danny and Donald.

Taylor, Presley and Jennifer

This boy can eat.  He's saying, "let me at it!"

Looks like Remington likes his off road Cozy Coupe!

Remington and Pawpaw having a cooking lesson!

Remington and Pawpaw having a little bonding time.

Posing for pictures before heading back to Abilene.

Presley in costume for her school play.

Celebrating Jennifer's birthday at Circle T.

Just like the old days, Jordan and Danny looking for show barrows.

Fall colors in the Bradford pear.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

2015 Trip To Ouray

It has been our habit for the past 10 years to take a trip to the Ouray, Colorado area in the fall of the year. You can usually count on finding the mountain peaks afire with the yellow and gold color of aspens in late September or early October.  Some years you might be a few days too early and some years a few days too late.  2015 proved to be one of those "a little too early" years.  In fact, it was a bit warm during the day but still, we had a great time and there was plenty of color to enjoy.

Our good California friends, Terry and Jerry joined us in Ouray and we enjoyed catching up on things for a few days.  In addition, we took our Jeeps and explored some of the many Jeep trails in the area around Ouray, Ridgeway, Telluride and Silverton.  We've come to love the trip over to Telluride via the Last Dollar Road.  It takes you through some of the prettiest country in the area with some majestic views of the San Juan Mountains.  This year we came across a young moose grazing in the willows near the road.  Moose prove that God must have a sense of humor!  They have a face only a mother could love.

None of us had ever gone up Owl Creek Pass near Ridgeway so on the second day we ventured up into some really rugged, but beautiful mountains into an area that John Wayne filmed True Grit's big shootout scene with Robert Duvall.  We drove all the way to Silver Jack reservoir, ate lunch where we met some fellow Texans that had been to Riverside Farms in Hamilton for hunting.  Small world!

Beverly and I are True Grit buffs so we took part of a day to visit the Ouray County Courthouse where the courtrooms portion of the movie was filmed.  Taking in some of the good eating places was a highlight of the trip, including the Bon Ton in Ouray and the True Grit Cafe in Ridgeway.

The final day was filled with some shopping and a trip up to Yankee Boy Basin in the Jeep.  Saying our farewells, we loaded the Jeep and headed to Texas.  On the way up, we spent one night in Red River, New Mexico but on the way home we drove the entire way from Ouray to Abilene in one day!  If you ever think about trying it, we wouldn't recommend it!
Beautiful park in Gunnison.
Beverly stretching her legs after a few hours in the car.

Blue Mesa reservoir between Gunnison and Montrose.  

Enjoying breakfast and coffee at the River's Edge in Ouray.
Jerry, Terry and Danny
We stayed in the upstairs apartment this year.  Very nice!
You wouldn't understand, it's a Jeep thing!

Entering the aspens along Last Dollar Road.  Not as much color this year.

Beverly and Terry

The old house used in the beginning scene of True Grit.

The barn in the same movie.

Fall foliage on  Last Dollar Road.


The moose!  We spent several minutes watching this guy eat willows!

You just don't see a moose every day!

Beautiful color near an old rock slide.

Coming into Telluride along main street.

One thing Telluride has is pretty flowers.  That, and millionaires!

This might have been the bank Butch Cassidy robbed.  But, probably not!
Danny and Jerry on Owl Creek Pass road.

Summit of Owl Creek Pass.

Our first glimpse of Chimney Rock!

Jerry and Terry

Silver Jack Reservoir.  Water out of here is used for irrigation but
it was really low.

Another view of the rock.  True Grit was partially filmed here.

The old paddy wagon used in the film as Rooster Cogburn brings in his prisoners.

Ouray County Courthouse.

Just like Rooster did!

Courtroom was used in the early portion of the movie.

The three stooges.  The other stooge took the picture.

Ouray's main street is full of these things--flowers and tourists!

Drive up to Yankee Boy Basin

The famous one lane overhang.  You don't want to get too close to the edge!

It's a long way down!