Thursday, April 26, 2018

It's Time To Paint the House Danny

I'm ashamed to admit it, but the last time our house was painted was when Jordan was about 2 years old!  He will soon be 33!!  It's must be a tribute to good preparation and high quality paint for it to have lasted that many years.  But, all good things must come to an end and the end came last year (2017) when we started painting This Old House.

During the previous year we had the siding replaced on the west side of the house and the north wall of the kitchen.  Oh sure, we had primed it, but the actual selection of a color and the preparation work somehow lagged behind for about a year.  It was getting down right embarrassing.  The hold up centered around WHO was going to do the painting.  Dan always thought he would do it and everyone else was thinking about hiring someone.

But, after having someone come and look the job over, and then never hearing from them, we decided to do it ourselves.  Then, we would change our minds again.  Finally, we decided to just get started.

Next question?  What color?  We finally found a color in Stephenville we liked and through a lot of trial and several errors, we made a final decision.   Rolling Hills won out and the painting began.  It's a long way up to the top of our house in places, but over time we have most of it finished.  Oh, there are plenty of touch ups that need doing, but from the street, you'd never know.

From the comments we have received, we think it's been a hit.  We love it and that's what matters.

This was the beginning, or sorta.  We did have most of the new wood primed.

I guess we spent one full summer with a multi-colored house!  You might be
a redneck if.....your house is painted three or four colors; at once!

Our inspiration; an apartment complex in Stephenville.  Still,
a little too much blue to suit the boss.

Oops!  This was one of those trials and it turned out to be an error!
Wrong color!  Too blue, not enough green.  Looks like something on the beach!

Does this look dangerous?  You've got to be innovative when you have
steps and porches and high gables!

Slow and steady wins the race.

It was a multi-step process:  primer, base coat, sealing any knotholes with
shellac, and a good finish coat.

Believe me, I didn't use this ladder to reach the top.  It's a secret
just how I did it.  I'll just say I did it while Beverly was gone to lunch with
Teresa and Vicki and I decided, "Here's my chance!"

He looks serious, or afraid he was about to fall!

Another example of innovative laddering!

At this point, I began to question my sanity!

So glad to get this trim finished.  Papa Bill, Bev's grand dad, always said "Everything looks
better with a little paint!  Even a woman!"  I know this old house does, for sure!

Moving to the north side.  Pictures like this encouraged us to keep going.
I needed it.  Beverly kept saying "Just don't walk around to the other side and never look up!"

Are you talking to me?

I'm never going to get finished.

And this is just the first coat.  Geez!

About got this side........


just a few more strokes.  Oh yeah, now for a second coat!

I loved working on the porch.  Paint dripping in your ear, looking
up all day and the whole neighborhood observing your every move!

We were about to leave for Colorado and wanted to at least get
the front of the house finished.  I've never been so glad to leave on a
trip, and never so tired!

Beverly didn't get to paint much, but she did help to get a lot 
of the lower part done.

We decided to put the front porch shutters on the front of the house and to
paint them black.  One problem we had was that in a certain light,
the black tended toward blue.  That drove a certain someone...CRAZY!
You can observe that someone peeking out over the shutters!

In the fall we started on the south side.

I'm behind that bush, trying to get everything finished!

Halloween time.  The pumpkins were grown in Evant by Nathan Kuehler!

A cozy place for a morning cup of coffee!

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