Monday, January 26, 2015

A Visit With Aunt Billee

Every family has that one person that's the life of the party, the center of attention, the, shall we say "character!"  On Beverly's side of the family one such person is her Aunt Billee.  Billee is her last living aunt, her dad's last sibling.  She has had an interesting life, lived in San Pedro, California, New Orleans, Louisiana and now Tulsa, Oklahoma.  She has seen her share of grief, losing a young son to a drunk driver, a teenage grandson also killed in a car accident and has buried two husbands and numerous siblings and friends.  But, she maintains a positive attitude, never stops learning new things and really has a sharp mind, and tongue, occasionally!

We took a few days last fall to visit her and also go and check on some land in Oklahoma that Beverly's parents owned.  Instead of our usual route up through the metro-mess, we decided to take some less traveled roads.  It was well worth the change and we loved the back roads of Oklahoma.  Later in the week we took a trip to the Gore, Vian and Sallisaw area to check out some land records at the courthouse and to visit the old "home place" where Bev's dad was born and raised.

While at Billee's, she wanted to learn how to use her iPad!  I told you she never wants to stop learning.  She learned how to email and use the internet and immediately wanted to email her grandson in Kuwait!  We also took her to look at new iPhones!  Oh, did I mention she's 93?  Still young considering that her mother lived to be 107!

Billee's house in Tulsa.

Researching land and mineral records at the Sequoyah County Courthouse

Enjoying a foot long coney at the Sonic in Sallisaw.  The great Triple Crown 
winner Secretariat trained here when Sallisaw was a big horse racing center.

A visit to the old, beautiful Vian cemetery where Papa Bill Hefton is buried.

Part of the Hefton land between Gore and Vian.

Papa Bill's old house.  It's about to fall apart, but it's full of memories!

Billee learning the ends and outs of her iPad.

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