Sunday, July 16, 2017

Fall Around The Phillips Household

After returning from Colorado, all the fall activities such as football, cross country and birthday parties begin in earnest!  Fall is a favorite time of the year for us and is a welcome relief from the Texas summer.  The plants in the yard seem to come back to life and the sound of football games fill the air and this year Taylor played defensive end for our 7th grade team.

Welcome Fall, and cooler temps!
Taylor's Cross Country team easily won the District title this year.

The okra continued to produce into the fall.

Blue sage, zinnia and marigolds.

It must be Halloween when Papaw and Bebe make pumpkin
and ghost sugar cookies!
We never got tired of this multi-colored bouganvillia.
A visit with Beverly's mentor, Miz Helm.

Pumpkin shopping at Hobby Lobby.  We later took them back
and opted for real gourds!

Our Hamilton Farmer's Market is a great place to buy pumpkins.

They've added a place to sit and enjoy the creations of chef Lee Ann Jackson.
Fall is time for school pictures as well.  Can't believe
that Taylor is in the seventh grade!

Presley is in the third grade.

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