Thursday, July 20, 2017

They Baptized Taylor Dan In Cedar Creek Last Sunday

The Oak Ridge Boys and others sang about the" Baptism of Jesse Taylor."  This blog, however, is a story about the baptism of another Taylor, our own Taylor Dan.  Taylor had been talking about being baptized for a quite a while and after some studying with his Papaw, decided he wanted to do it on his birthday, November 20, 2016.  And, he decided that he wanted to do it in the tank (a tank is Texan for a pond) on their place and have his Papaw do it and have his church friends and family present.

Great idea except for one problem:  it's cold in November!  As it turned out, it did get cold and the water was really cold, too, especially for Papaw!  We had a great turnout from church and the day turned out sunny and beautiful even if the water didn't warm up all that much.

There's a pretty little tank on the back side of Toby and Jennifer' place.  The back side of the dam is lined with some larger trees and provided a beautiful backdrop for Taylor's baptism.

The day before Jennifer and Papaw went down and checked the footing of the tank
to be sure we could get far enough out into the water without slipping and falling.
Of course, Presley volunteered to take one for the team and test it out as well!

I think we were saying "Are you kidding me?  It's cold out here and I'm
not even knee deep yet. "  We did take some bigger rocks, adding them to
the edge so we could step on them while making our way out to deeper water.

It stirred up just a little mud, but hey, we're not the one going under!

Presley couldn't resist getting in, too.  The back side of the tank
would have been better, but there was no place for the crowd to stand.

Success!  She got out without slipping in the mud.

Surveying our surroundings, developing a plan.  I love it when a plan comes together!

Taylor made his confession and prepared to be baptized.

Maybe a little deeper water would have cut down on the mud,
but I think God was happy, and that's what matters!

Church family added support for our celebration.

Love our church family.

Taylor has been a very special grandson, as are all of ours.  But, we have spent many, many hours with him over the years.  He has been such a blessing to our lives and now he is this new person in Christ, a fellow brother and a son as well.  Good job, young man and may God bless you richly as you grow and serve him in the future.

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