Monday, September 3, 2018

A Little Spring Cleaning

You know that thing that happens every year right after New Year's day?  You know, the promise to lose weight, eat better, exercise more, save more money and of course this one---To Get Organized!  Pick up any magazine that time of year and on the cover there will be an article on organizing your life!  Oh, if it were only that easy!

But, after having gone through the loss of our parents and then having to go through all their things, papers and keepsakes, it makes you realize that you do need to take care of that before your children are forced to do it.  We are both sentimental people, maybe Beverly more than me, but we realize that we have too much stuff and not enough room to store it all.  So, we started sorting through things, hoping to pare it down to a manageable level.  I will say, it's hard to throw away a lot of memories from our past.

These trunks are probably close to 55 years old.  They belonged to Beverly and 
her sister Deborah when they were little girls.  They were filled with lots of old 
keepsakes and hadn't been opened in a while!

Beverly went through them and made the decision to throw them away.
That was big! 

Interesting what you find.  These are old Stephenville Yellow Jacket
high school football programs.  I don't think they even print these any more.  The same is
true with a lot of Majestic Theater and Starlite Drive-In show calendars that she found.

One of Debroah's old school papers entitled "The Sow Got the Measles".

Looks like Papaw might have over heated the BBQ sauce.  Needless to say, 
we didn't use this after the plastic melted into the contents!

Another old tradition;  the school Valentine box.  Guess who got to help Presley
make this?

Spending a few bucks on stick-on letters is sure better the olden days.  We still
had Jennifer's old box, but Presley didn't want to use it, of course!

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