Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Old Knee Finally Wore Completely Out

You know the old saying, "Getting old isn't for sissies!"  Well, that's true so I finally made the decision to man up and have my right knee replaced.  Although I would have preferred to get both done at the same time, I couldn't get it scheduled in time to recover and still get to Colorado for our annual fall trip.

We went to Baylor Scott and White for all the testing, classes, financial stuff all in one day and then had the surgery done the next week.  Everything went as planned, spent one night in the hospital and came home the next day.  I had a little bit of a rough first night after getting home but after that the recovery took a few weeks, well, months, but wasn't bad.  Kevin Cude came to the house for PT, which was the hardest part, but was the key to making this all work.  He would always call about thirty minutes before he came to remind me to take my pain medicine!  There was a reason for that I soon found out.

It's nice to not have pain in the knee and someday I'm going to have the other one done!

Getting prepped for the operation.

The hospital uses texting to let the families know how things are going!

Presley and Jennifer came to visit.  Pres brought me a special card.

I felt better after getting to change into my shorts and a T-shirt....

of course, the nerve block had not worn off at this point and I was probably
thinking that isn't any big deal!

Finally home and the work begins.  Get your hinney up and get with it son!

Look at those sexy legs!

There was a lot of bruising where the tourniquet was applied to minimize blood loss.

I spent many days and nights on the couch.  I look a little crazy out of
my eyes here (it was probably the oxycodone!) as I take the first bandage off.  By the way, it also took off some skin!

The new look....

Waiting foe these bandages to work their off.

My little nurse sidekick.

The replacement parts!

Does that say "Made in China?"  I know that kneecap is my original!

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